Employee Motivation is Essential
What is Employee Motivation? Employee motivation is the level of commitment, energy and innovation that a company’s staff hold during the working day. It is a key aspect for the organization’s growth and success. Why is Employee Motivation Important? Without it,...
The Cheese in the Maze – A Story on Growth Mindset
What would you do if you aren’t afraid? – Dr. Spencer Johnson Are you a person who is afraid of changes? Here I present to you a funny little story that changed everything in my life. So that you could change the way you see about life, work,...
Who am I? – A journey on discovering the inner you
Well like the tides rise and fall, yet another year has passed and a new year is upon us. Most people as with the trend would most probably stick with the mainstream goals that usually end up being a fantasy most of the time than an actual goal. Why don’t we...
Flaws and Perks of Being a Developer
At one point in life, we listened to our inner conscious and decided to become developers. I know you have already look back at your life before became a developer. And wonder how simple life before that. Let’s look deeper, When we look back into our childhood most of...